Sustainable Photography Business Webinar and Part Two of the Business Tune Up
Lots going on these days. We need to be flexible and focused.
Hi, and welcome to my little Substack corner. I write about photography, art, design, and the craft of living creatively. I am glad you are here. Consider subscribing to keep up with what I am doing. I promise not to bore you. If you would like to support my efforts, that would be amazing and so appreciated. Either way, I am super happy you are here.
You can’t view a publication these days without seeing articles wondering about all the changes that the world is going through. From post-pandemic confusion to the AI apocalypse, there is no shortage of scare articles designed to beat artists down.
Maybe that is just a part of selling news, but it is also based on things that are not necessarily true. Negativity sells.
Positive ideas get buried, chastised, or torn apart by the bitter commenters on Peta Pixel and Facebook.
These times make artists wonder where to turn.
Use Instagram, they say. Build a huge following there.
Yeah? Try it.
Start a newsletter and riches will follow, they say.
Rely on social media like YouTube and Facebook and Twitter and Slack, and slide into those DMs like a boss, baby… that’s how you get known.
Is that what you want to do?
Spend hours a day sliding into DMs and posting stuff on social media?
Or do you want to get serious about this thing, find the clients who need you, get gigs, get paid, rinse, repeat, again and again?
If the answer is yes, continue.
I call it a system.
The Client Acquisition System.
And it isn’t based on woowoo BS, social media stardom, “influencers”, or an “Easy, Done-for-You program that takes all the work out of the work” e-book you can buy and never read.
It’s a system.
Do this, then this, then this… measure; repeat again.
And yes, you have to tweak it a bit to fit your specific business, goals, aspirations, location, and taste.
But the facts are, it works.
I have taught it to many photographers, who can report that it works.
Photographers like Mark Manne, Carla McMahon, Eric Muetterties, and James Eisele.
It isn’t rocket science, there are no secrets, no alchemy, no magic easy button.
But there are tried and true methods that work when you try them, work the system, and build on your results.
Tomorrow, Friday, April 26, 2024, I will be giving a free webinar on how this works. It will have very little selling (although I will mention the program at the end), so it is a good 45 minutes of solid information you can take and begin to work with immediately.
We will have some time for questions and answers as well.
4 PM Pacific.
Bring your note-taking gear, and be open to the system.
This is the webinar page for you to check out.
I hope to see you there.
When you are ready, here is how I can help you succeed.
Group Mentorship: a small group of photographers who meet to show images, work on their portfolio, and build their businesses with help from a wonderful group. Lifetime membership for one fee.
One-on-one Mentorship: You and me - working together in an intense 6-month push to get you on the way to over $30K in additional revenue. The work we lay down will help you increase and scale your business for years ahead.
Now for part two of our 15-Day Photo Business Tune-Up for Premium Members. Today we focus on your portfolio, the most important asset you own.
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