Through The Loupe #2: Alex Baker, Spain
Alex is also a writer and tour guide for photographers wanting to explore Spain.
Photographer Alex Baker works in Spain as a commercial photographer and creative artist.
I have watched Alex’s career for several years. She is a wonderful portrait photographer and has created a diverse portfolio of travel, portraits, and a classical musician collection that I love.
A former classical percussionist, she approaches her work with the precision of a highly trained musician.
From Alex’s About Page.
“I'm Alex Baker, commercial photographer and percussionist. Born in the UK in the Chinese year of the goat, a love of everything musical took me on a life long journey of studying anything that could be clashed, banged or scraped. This passion for music took me to the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester to study orchestral performance, which is also where I met my husband, Matt. Together we toured the world in various music groups and I found myself developing an interest for documenting our trips through photography. Life (and opera) later took me to Valencia and I now divide my time between Spain and the UK. Through photography and video I use my knowledge and experience from my work in the music industry to promote the work of musicians and ensembles and other businesses.”
Visit her website to see more imagery and read her writing on DIY Photography.
Through the Loupe is a feature of In The Frame and showcases one photographer per issue.
This is one of my favorite workshops, and it is a big favorite of the photographers who took it before.
We look at storytelling as a huge part of photography today.
This isn’t photojournalism, it is a focused look at the various ways photographers can infuse story, and story ideas, into their work.
Clients love stories, and narrative-driven content has become one of the biggest genres in commercial work. Even product and still-life photographers are being asked to create ‘stories’ for their brands.
My workshops are different than most all the others I have found.
I do them with video content, written content, and LIVE video reviews and meetings.
In the 8-Week Series, we have 8 live meetings and reviews, one per week, for the duration of the class.
Very few, if any, workshops offer live content and interaction.
For me, talking with the students is the best part.
More information can be found here, and we limit the students to ten for maximum engagement.
When you are ready, here is how I can help you succeed.
Group Mentorship: a small group of photographers who meet to show images, work on their portfolio, and build their businesses with help from a wonderful group. Lifetime membership for one fee.
One-on-one Mentorship: You and me - working together in an intense 6-month push to get you on the way to over $30K in additional revenue. The work we lay down will help you increase and scale your business for years ahead.
And the upcoming P52 one-year masterclass.