Will Subscribing To This Newsletter Make You Cooler?


I’m absolutely certain of it.

First, a bit about me.

I have been a photographer for over 50 years. From editorial to advertising to fashion, I owned studios in NYC, and Phoenix, AZ. I started offering design services to clients in the late 80s, and in 1992 I started an ad agency, OCEAN Integrated Media Group, working out of a spare bedroom.

By 2000, we had grown to be the third largest agency by billings in Arizona and were handling advertising, media placement, PR, and IPO consultation services to clients both nationally and internationally.

I brought in a partner for the business side of it, and I was the Creative Director.

So I have sat on both sides of the hiring hierarchy… on the side of the artist and the side of the client.

That kind of insight is rare, and I want to make sure I give you all the benefits of that experience that I can.

I know this shit. Forward and backward.

And take what I say also knowing that I purchased $500 worth of bitcoin and am happy to say it is worth $267.42. No taxes on that… I mean, that tax advice right there is worth a bunch!

I don’t know crypto.

I know the business and art of commercial photography.

One main newsletter per week. No spam, just thoughts on professional photography, portfolios, marketing, and design. Scattered through the week may be little articles, image deconstructions, marketing tips, lighting and shooting ideas, and maybe even a taco recipe or two.

Why tacos you ask?

Hmmm… that question tells me that perhaps you should reconsider subscribing. This dish may not be for you.

But if you go ahead and take the leap of subscribing, you will find a lot of value in the lively discussions, critiques, and deep insights on photography that have evolved over a 50+ year career in this business.

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

You will also be able to join us for live presentations, podcasts, and more.

So, look… I want you to subscribe, you want you to subscribe, my other members want you to subscribe. Give us a chance. And if you don’t like it, you can quit.

No hard feelings at all, and I will not stalk you to your end days like those other newsletter people do. You know who… doncha.

Just like air, I am everywhere… for more information and stuff visit:

Don Giannatti
Project 52 Pro System

Subscribe to In The Frame

Photography, Art, Design, Adventure


Photographer, designer, writer, entrepreneur. I write and speak on mentorship, creativity, and the arts. I am also the owner of Visual Media Strategy, an agency for commercial photographers.