Excellent article - and I'm printing it out so I can check those 10 suggestions constantly... not at all because I'm fearful of what A.I. is going to do, but because they are excellent suggestions in their own right. Thanks for those. As for A.I., absolutely NONE of my current, recent, or even past clients would ever reach out toward AI for solutions to their imaging needs. No chance. So much of it is about relationships with them. As for me, I just keep my head down CREATING, and the only time I look up is to learn something that will further expand my creativity and direction (such as reading In The Frame), or to do one of those 10 things you suggested. Thanks Don for being a truly helpful resource and mentor.

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Yes, all great advice. Especially self-care! Live life, live it fully.

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I don't mind AI at all. Very good advices

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