I like the "voice" that I hear in your desert and landscape work. Not saying your words don't do it for me, but your photographic voice sings. Keep at it. And thanks for the bit of personal history. Inspirational to see a fellow entrepreneur's career tragectory. For every thing there is and will be a season. You are living proof of that.

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Thank you, Mark.


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Don, this was another wonderful piece... The generosity, by which you share is such a rare thing to find in the world. One of the things that drew me to your posts, originally, was your passion for this craft - and your desire to genuinely help others along this journey... When I began 40+ years ago I had no mentors/teachers, so I had to learn solely by experimentation, trial and error - which made for a longer journey, but incredibly rewarding. With what you bring to the table, Don, gives people the best of both worlds: Experimentation, but with great guidance and inspiration. Regardless of where this current evolution takes you, I will surely be following along... In short, Thank you for what you do...

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And thank you, David.

Your kind words mean a lot.

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Such a legacy Don! So many turns on this winding road. Respect.

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