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Again, another helpful post! In fact, there is so much to unpack in here it's difficult to find a place to start responding. I'd never heard of "KPI" - but I do recognize that I was doing most of the things mentioned, just not as focused as a "thing." ("Thing" being a system approach or a business performance tool.) But, being a STRONG believer in the old saying, "That which is measured improves," - you can bet I'll be much more focused on those you listed: revenues/expenditures; client acquisition rate; cost per acquisition; website traffic; social media engagement, and others. Love the section on Objectives, Monitoring, Evaluating & Tweaking for further Development, etc. I've been much more focused this year on the business side of Photography than ever before, and it's paying off in increased work. This post affirms that, gives me more tools to work with, and gives me "Go sic 'em boy!" encouragement. Kick ass!

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