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Excellent article Don. You taught us this same information back in the 2014 Project 52 Pro system... how to bid ( for me and my area it's known as providing a "quote "), how to ask all the right questions so nothing is assumed, covering everything and I mean everything in my quote: licensing issues, end-usage, delivery, deadlines, file and codec requirements, and so forth. I've used what you taught ever since, and it has made all the difference! Most of the time I deal with mom and pop businesses or local government organizations that I've built relationships with. However, when a couple of multinational corporations such as BASF and Velocys Fuels rolled into town and asked for work possibilities (one needed PAL formatting for video codecs and such because their marketing company was in the UK), I was able to speak their language and deliver. They both told me no one else they spoke to asked the questions I did and was as thorough. The people I worked with both told me my questions helped them understand that I knew the gig and could handle it, if you know what I mean. So, thanks again for your excellent teaching and preparation to get me up to speed!!!

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