My condolences for your loss. It’s hard to lose a furry buddy. A beloved family member. You’re right; you rescued him one last time. I’ve been in your shoes several times. It’s not easy.

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Thanks Shawn.

They give everything to us, and it is our duty to do right by them.

And yeah, this is not the first time I have had to say goodbye to a little bundle of fur.

Doesn't get easier.

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Sounds like diggy was a true familiar for you. My deepest condolences.

We've got a little guy we adopted from the shelter around 12 years ago who is getting up in years and health issues. Throughout he's been a pain in the ass, a patient teacher, and a dear friend. Will be hard to say goodbye and we try to enjoy each day we can with him.

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So sorry for your loss, Don. Sounds like you two went through a lot together.

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