I sure do appreciate this article Don. I had a profound experience recently during which it occurred to me that I was making NEW memories of a meaningful day with a new friend. The photos were beautiful and the day just kept going. These images are just a couple days old and already they're treasures.

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That's wonderful, Sean.

I think the idea of photographing our days, the little things, is so gratifying.

Glad your day went great, and now the photographs live that moment again.

(tip: do a little blurb book of those photos... it can make that moment even better)

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This really resonated with me. It has me thinking about all the missed opportunities to make a photograph and how I should be more deliberate about capturing moments. Thanks for reminding me of the importance of moments and memories.

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I wrote a Medium story on this exact thing.


The best photographs I never made.

Thanks, Mike.

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Love this one Don, makes me think!

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Thanks Wesley.

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I love your photo stories! Thank you so much for your Substack.

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Thank you so much, Marjolelin.

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I have the thought now and then... all the things we do, when will be the last time, and will we recognize at the time whether it is the last? Really nice post.

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Sometimes we know it is the last time, and that has a special poignance to it. But most of the time we don't know it is the last. It is a moment, like billions before. Only later we realize that it was finite, and over. It makes me want to photograph every day, every moment.

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Jun 12
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Thank you, Shawn.

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