Don, Great post. Back in my NLP days we spent a lot of time talking about the limiting nature of "modal operators of necessity" should, shouldn't. must, must, must not, have to, and so on. One of the useful responses is, "what would happen if you didn't?" It can be freeing and it can lead to a litany of excuses like, I'll die, someone will hate me, I won't be accepted or what ever. In all cases it generally gathers useful information, that upon further examination, leads to transforming the mode of thinking from one of "necessity" to one of opportunity.

On a different note, and I am not sure if this is relevant. When I received this In the Frame from Substack, it did not format well in Outlook. It did not automatically screen wrap and I had to scroll back and forth horizontally to read the post. I wonder if it SHOULD wrap :-)

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It should format in all email clients.

I will ask the forum leader there what could have caused it.

Do the others format well or are they all run on lines?

Glad you enjoyed it.

I did NLP as well. Still do a lot of the time.

-- don

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I went back to the other SubStack deliveries and they all formatted fine. It appears it might just be the most recent one that had issues.

I started NLP in a serious way after doing about 5 Fire Walks with Tony Robbins. Whenever he came to Denver I got to assist with the sound. Gary Toth did all the creative work, timing, sound arrangements and so on, I just ran cables and backed up if he needed to step out. After that I studied with the Andreas's organization, NLP Comprehensive, out of Boulder. I got the Master Practitioner certification and then moved in to assisting. It was there I met my wife.

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