Sitemap - 2023 - In The Frame

12-31-2023: Looking Back and Going Forward

Are YouTube Photography Channels Past Their Peak? The Question has Been Asked.

My Response to the NYT article asking if Photography is Dead. No, it is Photography. AI is Not Photography.

Have You Ever Stopped Yourself From Taking a Photograph Because of What Someone Else Would Say?

Make Your Portfolio Stand Out in 2024

In The Frame: Sunday, December 17, 2023 A Potpourri of Stuff, Because Who Doesn't Love Stuff?

Why Are So Many Photographers Playing Let’s Pretend?

Do You Know Who Your Possible Clients Are? And Do They Know You Even Exist?

Is Your Photography On Autopilot? Should It Be? Should You Be?

This Class Will Show You How to Find, Get, and Keep Photo clients, No Matter Where You Live

The Creative Benefits of a Solo Hour-Long Bicycle Ride

Like Getting Hit In the Face With a Bag of Pythons, I Finally Understand AI

Take Your Niche and Shove It, I Ain't Workin' There No More.

20 Tiny Creative Shots to Give You a Little Bump of Endorphin, and They're Cheaper than Tequila!

It's Time for Photographers to Start Thinking Like an Agency Instead of a Vendor

Got an Hour to Spend? You Can Do a Lot of Things in Short Timeframes

Imagine Where Your Business Would Be If You Did These 10 Small Things Daily.

Another Article About Personal Brand... I Know, I Know... But It Is Still Important!

Introducing the 'Atomic Blast', Three Photos, and Stuff I Noticed.

Creating a Promo, Additional Income for Photographers, and Staying In Creative Mode

Happy Thanksgiving! Or Have a Great Thursday if You are Outside the US.

Are You Stubborn Enough to Make It? It's a Cold World for Those Who Compromise Too Much

Black Friday Classes: Always Free, Always Fun!

The Dangers of Falling in Love and Other Uncomfortable Photographic Truths

Why Photographers Should Make Writing Well a Priority, and, of course, Mushrooms.

Client Acquisition Webinar: Replay

Creating a Successful and Sustainable Photography Business Webinar

Find Your Base Clients: Free Webinar For Photographers Who May Be Struggling to Find Clients

Staying Ahead of AI, While Creating a Sustainable Business... and Saguaros

2024 Is On The Horizon; Are You Ready For The Changes Coming Our Way?

This May be a Great Winter to Visit Bryce Canyon... In The Snow.

Photographers: Ten Out-of-the-Box Ideas to Exercise Your Creative Muscles

Sprinting for More Business: A Photographer's Challenge in a Tightening Market

Your Art and the Iceberg Effect

A Potpourri of Photography and Art Goodness

So, You Are a Professional Photographer? Why Should I, Or Anyone, Hire You?

Why Should We Bother? Because It Matters.

What is a Rescue?

How to Declutter a Cluttered Office - and a Cluttered Mind

The Creative Class Will Get You Working and Building a Sustainable Business

Sharing Our Photography is Joyful. And Marketing Can Be Joyful Too

What Is A Photograph?

Own Your Work, a Pitch for a Sprint, and Chapter Two of "Dare to Succeed"

Is Curiosity THE Vital Element for Better Photography?

Is it a Font or a Typeface, We Need To Know!

Ten Ideas for a Sunday Afternoon, and Changes to In The Frame Are In the Works.

Is There An Effort Afoot to Grind Down Creatives?

Happy Labor Day, and Eight Mindful Strategies for Keeping Your Cool in Chaotic Shoots

15 Disciplines to Make You a Better Photographer, and a Photoshop Mea Culpa

Portraits: Briana, June 25, Pine Valley, California, Legacy Assignment 20, and a Reminder.

Transform Your Portfolio: Join the 30-Day Mastery Course for Emerging Photographers

USPs vs UPOVs: A Discussion on the Pros and Cons for Photographers.

Embracing This Far Too Prevalent Mindset Will Kill Your Creativity and Destroy Your Passion

Let's Talk About Money, Autumn, and New Ways Photographers are Thriving.

Why Failing Forward Could Be Your Ticket to Ultimate Success

The Imperative of Future-Proofing in the Age of Digital Overwhelm

What I Look For in a Photographer's Portfolio

In The Frame: The Business Case for Diversity, Carpinteria Weekend, and a Note from an Old Friend

An Essay on Becoming Exceptional, Zoomifying Your Speedlight, and One Light Portraits

Five Portfolio Absolutes, Two Cool New Tools, and an Introduction to "Handles" for Creativity

Lead Magnets. Pizza, and Some Good Reads for Your Business

How My Relationship With Commercial Photography Changed, and Why (1990s)

Photography Unscripted: How Personal Projects Elevate Your Art and Business

Let's Get Specific: Explaining the Value Proposition to a Photography Client

The Thirty Day Portfolio Slam is Running Again in September

Moving Locations, Finding Leads, and a Script for Pitching New Clients

Niching Down? Maybe not. Widen Your Range, The Creative Class and a Photo of Pears.

Stressless Vacation Photos, A Social Media Cheat Sheet, and Email Templates

Value Based Pricing: The New Kid on the Block and Ways to Make It Work For You

All About Promotional Materials

20 Zine Ideas, Vinyl Lust, and the Heroes Among Us

If I Had to Start Over as a Photographer Today, How to Craft an Offer, and a Sax

In The Frame 7-15-2023: The Power of Perseverance and Letting Go of Expectations

Friday Wrap Up, Portraits, Airline Magazine Assignment, and Do I Risk My Butt?

This May Be The Most Important Book You Read This Year

How To Beat The Blues, Five Things, and Photo of a Cow.

Should We Work Above or Below "The Bar?"

Natural Light Portraits, 5 Cool Things, and Liberace!

Why Environmental Portraiture will Always be a Top Earning Genre

Seeking The Critic's Slings and Arrows, Finding a Purpose to Create.

In The Frame 7-1-2023: Your Creative Edge, and Sweet, Sweet Photos.

Willing to Risk, Question Everything, Getting a Client to Yes, and Some Damned Hot Chilis

California Portraits, Bad Light, and Habits That Help, Habits That Don't

Seek Opportunity, The Rewards Will Follow, Legacy Assignment Nine, and How Curiosity Fosters Creativity

Your Most Important Client, Hot Chili, and Preparing for a Larger Shoot

In The Frame: 6-18-2023: Dads, The Creative Life, and Portraiture

Plastic Fun, Way Out Marketing, and We've Got You Covered, You Crazy Photographer.

In The Frame 6-11-2023: What is Creativity, A Scavenger Hunt, And Exactly What To Say

A Powerful Email Strategy, Templates for Success, and Red Delicious Goodness

My Ride to the Top of the World, Part Three

How to Suck Less, Saboteurs, and Ella Fitzgerald

In The Frame: 6-3-2023: Critiques, Creativity, and Something to Help You Find Clients

A Ride to the Top of The World, Part Two

How To Win Every Client Meeting Ever

A Ride to the Top of The World

Conventional Wisdom is Usually Wrong; Find Your Own Voice For Your Art

In The Frame 5-28-2023: Ideas to Help You Focus, A Creative Book for Everyone

Serenity, Fantastic Fake Beasts, and Private Dancing, and the Assignment With Hands

Just One Roll Left - Join the "24 Frames in May" Contest

Are You In the Creative Class?

Why So Many Photographers Fail and How to Avoid Those Pitfalls

In The Frame 5-21-2023. Do You Have A Story To Tell? Pitch It the Right Way

Chatbot Millions... or Not, For the Love of Hats, and It's a Lovely Purple Rain

Advice for a street photographer, how to handle a lousy client, and what to do this week

Storytelling with your camera: Fun as well as important

In The Frame: 5-14-2023: Portfolio Ideas, Value Propositions, and Jackson Browne

This Friday it's a food feast, friends.

Never Chase. Be Chased. It Simply Works

What's Going On Right Now 5-11-2023

Twenty Four Frames a Day

10 Things: A List or Two, Three Portraits From the Archives, and a Ton of Resources

In The Frame 5-7-23: Old Cameras, New Images, and A New Book from Kurt Markus

A Discussion On Prompted Imaging

I Talk Portraits, Legacy P52 Coffee, Finding Inspiration, and New Tools

A Heartfelt Thank You to My Substack Subscribers

Art Photography, Analog Madness, Storytelling with a Camera, and First Contact...

In The Frame 4-30-2023: Iconic Photographers

There’s This Road: The Majestic Beartooth Highway

Free copy of my New Book, P52 Legacy Assignment, Highway 50, and more

Building a Marketing Plan for Your Business with a $1000 Budget Per Quarter

Lightning, Organizational Challenges, and High Heels

18 Ways to Stand Out in the Crowded Field of Professional Photography

16 Ways to Keep Your Clients Coming Back

31 Essential Life Lessons I Finally Grasped After Screwing Up Time and Again

Artist Refuses Prize After His AI Image Wins at Top Photo Contest: A Bold Statement in the World of Photography

Personal Projects. Important for All Creators.

Missing Links from Sunday's In The Frame

No More Excuses: In The Frame 4-9-23

Impatient Patience. The Keys to Success

At Some Point, You are Going to Want to Quit

We Start Tomorrow. Are You In?

Transform Your Business with a Powerful and Stunning Portfolio

15 Ways to Boost Productivity for Busy Photographers

Stop Worrying about AI and Just Make Art

Do You Make Authentically YOU Images?

In The Frame: Who's Gonna Be Held Responsible For Your Success?

Some Scary Roads Have No Guard Rails...That's How It Works Making Art

My Love Affair With Old Digital Cameras II: The Samsung TL220

A Uniquely American Music Era Has Passed Into History

Why Is It So Effing Hard to Change?

Understanding KPIs and What You Can Do With The Knowledge

Ten Life Lessons You Can Learn From Photography

In The Frame: Sunday Dispatch, 2-26-2023

Four Portraits on Location… When the Light Isn’t Perfect, We Improvise and Produce

My Love Affair with Old Digital Cameras: PowerShot SX130 IS

In The Frame: 2-19-2023: Got Inspiration?

The Power and Strength of Slow and Steady Growth

How Long Does It Take to Become Good At Photography?

In The Frame: Sunday Dispatch 2-12-23

10 Ways to Stop Thinking About The AI Apocalypse and Keep Creating Art

In Desert Stillness: A Book of Images From the Deserts of the Southwest

Why Having a Mentor Can Help You Succeed Faster and with Fewer Costly Mistakes

They Were Looking For Life. I Was Just Looking For a Hot Coffee.

In the Frame: Sunday Dispatch 1-22-23: Working Our Creative Muscles

“There’s This Road” #4: The Moki Dugway

Become a Rock/Jazz Guitar Legend with This Cool New Startup

Sorry 'Bout That

Somewhere, Right Now, at This Moment… a Photographer is…

Being Deliberate and Intentional with Your Photography

How to be Incredibly Average and Never Breakout as a Photographer

6 Things for Photographers to do to win 2023… and Beyond

A Recent AI Article in the Atlantic Raises a Number of Questions

A Recent Seth Godin Blog Says AI Art is Dandy. I Disagree. Hard.

If You Put In 15% Effort, What Level of Success Do You Truly Expect?

What Should Photographers Focus On In 2023?

With Great Responsibility Comes Great Power

Before You Bid on a Commercial Photo Assignment, Do This First